Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love Affair

Yes, it is true. I am completely in love with another man and I refuse to end our love affair. My husband is jealous but at least it isn't a secret and it's something we can deal with. He goes by the name of Mr. Clean. He is fabulous! I was once in a relationship with Mean Green, he took my breath way... a little too much. Mr Clean Meadows & Rain with Febreze is my guilty pleasure now. His aroma is so appealing it lingers around long after we are finished so I am constantly reminded of how perfectly he fits into my life. He is wonderful on carpets & ink pen marks. My porcelain and counter tops have never been so shiny. This man is the real deal, he's got it going on!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Husband, Kids, a dog.. Oh my!

Husband- I can not begin to put into words how blessed I am to be married to my soul mate. I guess some people doesn't believe in soul mates but I do, he was made for me. We balance each other perfectly. He makes up for my flaws and I make up for his. We have our moments but overall we are still as googly-eyed as the day we met. He just recently purchased himself a new toy which he deserves for all he does for the kids and I. He used to have a 'toy' when our youngest was just a baby. I am so happy for him that he is able to have another toy even though we have 3 kids. It's going to be our date car... for those few and far between days we actually get to ourselves.Kids- I am really beginning to think I screwed up when naming our kids. They are all too similar. So when referring to them as a whole I call them my "CK clan". . . individually, they are A,B,C and D.

A) Today is her last day of the 1st grade. I still remember the day we brought her home from the hospital. We were so terrified of her and had absolutely no idea what we were in for. I am still not sure on what we are in for with her. Some days she couldn't be any more perfect and some days I struggle on running far far away because of her attitude, haha. She is such a big help to us with her brother and sister and I can tell that when she gets older, much much much older she will be a great Mom. She also made the Honor roll all 4 quarters of this school year!! I am so proud of my little girl.
B) She graduated Preschool which was such a hard time for me. I never got not one complaint on her all school year long. I am also so proud of her for all she has accomplished this year and how much she has grown and matured. She has such a sweet little voice and the way she pronounces words is just precious. Her 5th birthday is next week and it just seems impossible that she could be that age already.
C) Oh me! Where do I begin? He has been his usual hyper, mischievous self. He keeps me up and at it constantly. I joke about when the baby comes how I will ever be able to stop chasing behind him long enough to tend to a newborn, which makes people laugh. It is a concern though, seriously. I wish I had his energy! He is learning so many new words, even some that he shouldn't and is doing really well speaking in complete sentences. We are still working on the potty training. Some days he's interested, others not so much.
D) My OB appointment last week I found out that I am 50% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. He is due in 3 more weeks. It's hard to believe that I could be in labor at any given time from here on out. This pregnancy has flown by. But, I am so excited to meet my new little feller. Today I washed all his bottle and put them away in the cabinet. I also packed his diaper bag for the hospital. It's all becoming very real to me that soon I will be a Mom of FOUR. Life with 4 kids, ahh, will I ever be able to do it? I guess time will tell.
A dog- I forgot to upload a picture of Boomer. But, he has grown so much. I am still totally in love with him and would feel incomplete without him. There are times that I look across our house and there are toys from one end to the other (literally!!!) and I know the kids didn't do it because they don't stay out from in under my feet long enough to make that mess.. I recently discovered that Boomer was the one who was dragging them out. Oh well, at least someone around here plays with them.

Oh My- As for me, I am just ready to be unpregnant, work on getting my body and my tan back as well as getting started on my school work. My back has felt like a spaghetti noodle lately and my ankles are swollen. I have also been suffering from insomnia. There is always 5124574551566312 things on my mind when I lay down at night I literally wake up in the middle of the night to continue my train of thought. It's nuts, and it could quiet possibly be making me nuts at the same time. This Summer promises to be a busy one. Summer break officially begins today, Will I survive?

Monday, May 23, 2011

A-May-Zing Day

On Sunday we took the girl's out for a day full of fun. They have both done really well in school this year (with a few exceptions toward the end) and we thought they deserved to have a day out with Mom & Dad. With the new baby coming, their busy brother that requires a lot of attention from me and just the busyness we always have going on I feel like they needed this day.

We started off by taking them to play mini golf. Neither of them had ever played before, and they both really enjoyed it. The place we took them to has all sorts of things to do. I remember going there several times as a kid so I knew with all the new things they have added over the years, my girl's would love it.

I wanted to take part in this too, but being 8 months pregnant I'm sure it isn't advised, ha ha! I would like to go back and try it after the baby is born but my poor 4 child bearing bladder probably couldn't handle all the excitement.

The girl's rode the chairlift up the mountain with their dad and absolutely loved it. I've never been a fan of heights and my nerves aren't what they used to be so I just sit this one out.
There is also a nearby Rock Shop, the largest in Kentucky. I have took the girl's here before and they asked to go back. There is a huge concrete dinosaur outside named Big Mo and they always have their picture made with him when we visit. My girl's love collecting rocks so we let them each buy an animal carved out of a mineral. Catie chose a grey cat and Kayley chose a purple frog. I forgot to take a picture, oops.

We also took the girl's to get their ears pierced. We took them once before, last summer, but they both chickened out so, we figured we would wait a little longer and try again. This time they both went through with it and did great. I couldn't believe how brave they were and how well they did. I promised them as soon as their 6 weeks are up and they are all healed we would go earring shopping.

We finished off our day by having a very late lunch at Burger King so they kids could play a little more before going home. It was a perfect day out with our girl's and they got lots of much needed attention. I am going to strive to do stuff like this with them more often.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Off they go.

I am having a really hard time accepting that tomorrow Kayley graduates from Preschool. Of course it's always sad to a mother for her kids to grow up, so fast, but I have been so involved in the Preschool room this year, it's like a double whammy. I plan to visit the classroom next year and continue to help out... how could I not, I have gotten really close with the teachers and consider them good friends. Not only are they good friends but they are my role models as I plan to teach Preschool someday. So much inspiration in my career path has came this school year, from that preschool class and those 2 special teachers. I'm sure these pregnancy hormones aren't helping me any at this very emotional time. I will have plenty of Kleenex handy tomorrow at her graduation ceremony, I'm sure gonna need them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Better known as Mommy

For 8 years, since the age of 16, I have been a Mom. I have worked a few jobs to help keep the bills paid. For the past 3 years I have stayed home with the kids. Being a Mom is what I do, it's all I do. I have always put my kids first in every situation. Every decision I've made, even if it wasn't the right one, was made for my kids. I've always tried to give them the best life and best living situation that I possibly could. Looking back, I see so many things that I could have handled differently but we have to learn as we go and hope for the best. At times I've struggled on being a Mom and a Wife, and doing both adequately.

Yesterday, my husband and I were talking about everything we had going on this week ahead, like we do every Sunday. I reminded him what days he had to leave work at what time and for what reason. Every single thing involved the kids. School functions mostly. He said to me, what do parent's do that aren't able to take off work and be so involved? I replied, I guess they just aren't as involved as we are. That lead us into the conversation of how being a Mom is all I know how to do. I am known as Catie's Mom, Kayley's Mom, Caleb's Mom or Miss Ashley the Girl Scout Leader (which was also done for my kids). I wouldn't have it any other way, I enjoy the opportunities to be so involved for my kids. So much of my time now is spent at the school, doing things for the school, running errands for the kids, keeping a nice home for our family and so on. I never want to feel like I don't have a purpose.

One day all my kids will be in school, I won't be needed as much as far as staying at home. And the older my kids get the less involved they will want me to be. I want to have something to fall back on. I will always be a mom but someday I won't just be known for being one, as much as I am now. I'm not sure that makes much sense, but it sounds right to me, ha! Someday, my kids won't depend as much on me as they do now. In a few short weeks I will be starting my classes for Early Childhood Education. It will be tough since being a mom consumes my entire life right now, but it won't always be that way. The older they get, the less I will be needed, the less time I will spend doing things for the school, the less my life will be consumed with doing the things that keep me so busy now. And one day, I will be known for more. But, when you break it all down, this next step in my life is also being done for my kids. To give them a better life, a better role model and to show them that if they set their mind to something, they can do it. No matter what it is and how hard it is to accomplish. Anything is possible. Every decision I make, every journey I take and everything I do is done for my kids and always will be until the day I take my last breath. Being a Mom is who I am, it's what I do, it's how I live... no matter how old my kids get.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Where does the time go?

I can't believe that a week from today my little monkey will be graduating Preschool. I am so proud of the sweet little girl she has grown into. It totally depresses me that she will be my 2nd baby to graduate, it seems so soon.

First day of Preschool
First field trip to the pumpkin patch
Valentine's Party
Field trip to Big South Fork Scenic Railway & Blue Heron Mining Camp

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Parent's Curse

I've been told by my parent's, like everyone has, "I hope one day you have a child just like you." Yes, we were all cursed by our parent's. The one liner that all parent's use and one day they hope it will come true. The older my children get, I am starting to think 'my curse' was lost in translation or slightly altered.

When I was a kid I remember being in my bedroom hours on end playing with my Barbie's, baby dolls, Playing school etc. I was entertained by my imagination and I played with every single toy I had. Many times my mom would have to come to my room to tell me it was time for supper, bedtime or bath time. On days with nice weather, I was outside. I do also remember being a little mouthy, slamming doors on occasion and maybe even stomping off when I didn't get my way. That is normal to an extent.

My kids are nothing like I was at their age, and yes, I confirmed this with my mother just to prove I wasn't delusional. My children never, and I mean never touch their toys. My girls have baby dolls with changes of clothes, strollers, carriers, bottles, high chairs, Barbie's with mansion, cars and all accessories. Kitchen set with all dishes and food ever manufactured, as well as any other trendy toy made. My son has race tracks, cars cars and more cars, tractors, power tools complete with work bench, toy guns, stick horses.... You get the idea.

What I do not understand is why my kids insist on following me around the house, under my feet complaining because they have nothing to do?!? Maybe it's just this generation of children, but my kids are very ungrateful and unappreciative of all they have. I try to tell them stories about kids being less fortunate, threaten to donate all their stuff to charities, nothing I do or say will get them to try to open up to their imaginations. It is literally driving me crazy. Yesterday, I was in my room folding clothes on the bed and all 3 of my kids were standing across from me watching. When I told them to go find something to do they replied " We don't have anything to do". UGH..

For these reasons; I am convinced my 'curse' was altered to further torture me. I don't want my kid's hiding away in their rooms all the time like I did as a child but every now and then would be a nice and welcome change. I also think the eye rolls, stomping off, screaming, spitting, temper tantrums, slamming doors, throwing things, holding of breath and any other dramatic outburst my kids partake in were exaggerated in my curse.

One day... I hope my children have kid's that are JUST LIKE THEM :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

City Wide Disaster

This weekend was the annual city wide yard sale in our neighboring county that we attend every year. I usually have really good luck and come home with a car load of bargains for very little money. I get excited about the first Saturday in May every year because of this event. After today, I may have a different feeling about attending next year.

First off, the town that the event is held in is undergoing road construction. So on a normal day the traffic is crazy. Throw 150 rednecks along the sides of the road with their wagons of junk, and everyone and their grandma trying to maneuver their vehicles in and out of the chaos, you are bound to have some entertainment or at least some aggravation. We stop at yard sale after yard sale and find nothing. If they did have good things, things I was looking for, it wasn't the right size, price or gender. All baby items were for girls, go figure. Then I spot a yard sale that might be promising so in bumper to bumper traffic my husband tries to pull in only to run off in a huge hole that bottoms out our car. Luckily only one front wheel ran off in it, so we got enough traction to back out of it. How embarrassing. Of course this sets my husband's already impatient mood over the edge. Thankfully, no damage was done. But I didn't get to go to the one sale I could have had luck at.

While back on the road from the huge crater incident we witness a brawl. Apparently a woman had pulled out in front of a man in his flashy Mustang. He showed his hind end big time. Squalling tires and smoke rolling, he pulled into the parking lot behind her literally hanging out his window and calling her everything but a white woman. I felt sorry for the poor lady but she didn't take his crap. In just a few seconds there was a big crowd and she was in his face pointing her finger at him. We couldn't hear exactly what was being said but we did get a good laugh at the ridiculous comotion as we drove on.

We then go to Dairy Queen for some breakfast. Another disappointment. I ordered a bacon & cheese biscuit and my husband ordered biscuits and gravy with a side of sausage. Simple enough. All the cars ahead of us in the drive thru were asked to pull over the the side and wait for their order, we were then asked to do the same. After waiting for 25 minutes I went inside to see what the hold up was. Our food hadn't even been made. There was about 20 angry people standing by the registers complaining because they hadn't got their food either and the parking lot was full of waiting cars. I demanded my money back because I simply didn't want to wait until supper time for my breakfast. We settled for McDonalds.

At this point we were both ready to just come home. The day had been a big enough disaster, it was gloomy and looked like it could rain at any time. On our way home we stopped at one last yard sale and finally had some luck. I got a John Deere bookshelf for the boy's bedroom for only $1 as well as 2 candle sconces for $2 and my daughter 2 pairs of Children's Place shorts for $4.

Better Luck next year I suppose.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

By my calculations...

Now that the time is closing in I realize how totally insane I can be in the decisions that I make. Here are some calculations into my insanity:

[42 days] Until baby #4's due date.

[36 days] My daughter has an appointment 2 counties away from here.

[29 days] My daughter has another appointment 2 counties away from here.

[28 days] until Summer classes begin. (yes, I am aware that is just [14 days] before my due date. I have already prepared to have a laptop at the hospital with me to do my school work)

[27 days] until my daughter's 5th birthday.

[24 days] until my daughter's birthday party.

[23 days] of school left for my 1st grader.

[16 days] of school left for my Preschooler, Preschool Graduation and an afternoon appointment.

[15 days] until my appointment with my advisor to register for my classes.

I have appointments in [5 days] and again in [8 days].

Preschool field trip is in [2 days], city wide yard sale I attend every year is in [3 days] and Mother's Day is in [4 days].

Ballgames are also every Thursday for the next [3 weeks].

Nervous breakdown could be [x days] for I will never know when it happen therefor can not plan for it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One thing I do not regret.

I have wanted to write on this subject ever since I started my blog. I guess the reason I haven't done so until now is because it's such a soapbox issue for me that it could result into a never ending blog post, and very sore fingers. So, I will try to stick to the basics and not get too carried away.

I have regrets, who doesn't? There are plenty of things I would go back and do differently if I could, but life doesn't come with a rewind button. The older I've gotten it's made me realize that things happen the way they should. Your past gets you to the place your meant to be in the future, brings people in and out of your life to help you grow and molds you into the person you were intended to become. Among all of my regrets becoming a young mother isn't one of them.

I didn't plan to become pregnant in high school, get married just weeks after getting my driver's license and becoming a mother 6 days before my 17th birthday. But, that's what happened so I dealt with it and made the best of it. Although I know I disappointed my parents, as I did myself, how I chose to handle it all made them proud. I finished high school a year early by home schooling myself. I did not have a teacher or anyone helping me. I am not a genius and don't claim to be overly smart but I stayed focused and worked hard to accomplish it. All the while living the life as a newlywed, caring for a newborn, working a full time job and paying bills. It wasn't easy but looking back I am thankful for the struggle and all that it taught me. I learned that no matter how hard things become as long as my head is kept on straight I could manage and overcome it.

The reason I am so offended to hear someone tell me "I look too young to have children" is because I honestly do not see what age has to do with it. I was meant to be a mother, regardless of "when" it happened. I am in no way encouraging anyone to start a family as a teen, I'm just saying it was because I became a teen mother that I learned so many important lessons early in life, kept myself out of trouble and became who I am today.

I am now expecting my 4th child. I am still married to the same man I married when I was 16 and love him even more than I did the day I said "I Do." I am exactly where I am meant to be in my life. The number of children I have isn't a mistake, I am their mother because I was meant to be.

As far as individuals thinking I am years younger than I am, well, I guess I should take that as a compliment. I probably will appreciate it the older I am when I want to look younger. I just don't like certain things coming with age limits. When age has nothing to do with it. Your maturity level, strong will and acts of responsibility is what determines 'how old you are' not how many years you have been on this earth.

I do regret eating every single Snicker bar and Hershey's kiss from the Easter eggs but I don't regret my children or the ages I was when I became their mother. I am blessed to be where I am in life.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My almost perfect day

Things around here have been hectic lately, well, extra hectic I should say. Having 3 kids it's bound to be hectic on a normal day but lately it's been in overdrive. The everyday kids getting in trouble at school, temper tantrums, embarrassing ball field meltdowns, the never ending sickness, just to name a few. But, it seems *knock on wood* that things are starting to fall back into the 'what's normal for our family' routine. Everyday life is chaos in general and that's okay, I seem to manage well or I like to think I do, at least. Without my loving, supportive and strong willed husband I couldn't manage. He keeps me held together and picks up my pieces when I do fall apart.

My mom promised to keep the kids for me this past weekend as our anniversary gift from her. What a perfect gift. Alone time. Peace & quiet. A much needed break. Thanks MOM!!! Our Saturday we worked outside mowing the yard & cleaning up a bit before more rain headed into the forecast. My husband let me mow the yard which is something I don't get the privilege of doing often. Call me crazy but I enjoy mowing. He will let me every now and then while he supervises, it's a man thing I guess. But, this time, he done the trimming & weed eating and let me mow all by myself. Then actually told me I did a good job afterwards. I even mowed over a snake, freaked out (I loath snakes) so, my sweet husband smashed its head for me, thanks babe. My girls went to some yard sales with my mother in law so it was just Caleb at home with us during the morning. He played and behaved well. Even took the girl's princess cruiser off roading in the edge of the woods that boarders our yard. I often wonder what goes through his head for him to come up with all the things he does. He keeps us laughing.

After taking the kids to my mom I came home, showered, and got ready for a night out of the house with my husband. We didn't do anything too exciting, but just having some alone time together was enough for me. We went to eat Chinese, which as always was delicious. My favorite part of eating Chinese is getting a fortune cookie. I realize it's just a piece of paper inside of a crunchy shell that resembles a cow hove. But, the fortune I got this time was oddly appropriate for this given day. It read "This could be an almost perfect day. Enjoy it."

After eating we went to Wal-Mart for a few things and then to 2 different pharmacies looking for shower soothing tablets that apparently aren't marketed any longer. While at Walgreens a woman asked me when my baby was due, I responded "June". Then she walked over and sat down in the waiting area. My husband and I were still searching for the shower tablets when she asked me if I was having a boy or a girl, I told her a boy then she proceeded to tell me that I looked way too young to be having a baby, like I was only 16 years old. Then asked me if I was excited about becoming a mom. I just played along and said "yes, I am excited" and walked off. I may be the only person that feels this way but I find remarks such as that rude & inappropriate. I may blog about that some other time...?

Before returning home we got ice cream and rented a movie. We also joked about our 'date' consisting of eating and visiting pharmacies, and being home before 7:30 on a Saturday night. This could only mean we are getting old, right? The rest of the night was spent enjoying our strangely quiet home. I would say this was the closest thing to an almost perfect day I've had in a very long time. And enjoy it, I did.