Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Revolving Door.

One day I need to carry a notebook and a pen with me and keep a tally of how many times I repeatedly do something in a day. Wash the same sippy cup, pick up the same toy, walk to the trashcan, wipe the same butt, say the same thing over and over and over. I believe I could blindfold myself and still be able to run the household just fine considering all I do one day to the next is a repeat of the day before. Except of course on grocery day when I have to drag along 2 to 4 kids with me and manage to get enough contents in my cart to make a complete meal every day for a week. But, every grocery day is the same, too. The same ole routine, the same ole list of the same ole items we need. I am not complaining, by any means. I love my life and I can count on less than one hand the things I would change about it if I had the opportunity.

I hate routines, I used to say "How boring would your life be if you did the same thing every day over" Then I realized, I AM IN A ROUTINE. I wake up at 6:45 every morning, the first thing I do is plug in the flat iron, pee, then wake up the girls. Tie shoe laces, brush hair, flat iron hair, insert bow and drive them to school. Come home, feed Kyle breakfast, dress Caleb and start a load of laundry, Kiss my husband as he leaves for work then start making beds. I won't give you a run through of my entire day but the all start out just the same. The moment I realized I am doing all the things that I despised so much when I would speak of 'growing up' and the things that I'd swear I would never do, is the moment I realized I am getting old and perhaps my life will always be a revolving door. A few things may change a long the way as the kids grow up, I am sure I will have to adjust but no doubt day in and out I will repeat the day before.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Everything I do, I do it for you.

It's amazing how much you do for your kids without even realizing it. I have been into the Halloween candy way more than I should have been but then I realize that the reasoning behind it must be my parental instincts taking over. The more of the candy I consume the less my children do. Which means I am preventing cavities and looking out for their well being. If everyone passed out the icky gummy body parts, sour
eyeballs and generic chocolate pumpkins this would not be an issue. Curse all of you who buy the good stuff to which I have to consume for my children's sake.

It's no secret that I am not a morning person. If it were up to me I would not rise until noon. But, because I have kid's I wake up early to get them primped and groomed and off to school; mostly on time. And I say mostly because until lately we were in a mad dash to get them out the door on time and to school before being counted tardy which involved them running down the hall to get to their classrooms all while shoveling down breakfast on the go.

Every spare penny we have goes to our children. Buying
new shoes, the latest styles in clothing, the newest toy, sending money to school for this or going out and buying that for the classroom... Some may say we spoil them, and it's true! We do. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I will always put my wants aside to give my children all that I can. Even if it means selling clothes out of my own closet just to afford it.

I always protested mini vans. I told my husband even before our first child was born that he would never ever buy me a mini van. I refused to let one sit in our driveway let alone drive the awful thing. But, as our family grew the need for a bigger vehicle did also. And last year I went against everything I worked so hard to despise and bought our first mini van FOR THE KIDS. And now I secretly love it, but shhhh don't tell.

Dressing up as a dude for Halloween and my husband dressing up as a chick is no exception. Our kids beg us every year to dress up with them. So for them, we do. Might as well have a little fun with it, right?