Thursday, March 31, 2011

This can't be good

The other day my soon-to-be-5-year-old preschooler came home with a hand delivered envelope from none other than a boy! She was so proud to show it to me with her rosy cheeks, googly eyes and innocent giggle. All the paper inside revealed was a bunch of scribbles but I am certain it was a love letter just the same.

My oldest was never convinced that "boys are yucky" but, I had Kayley convinced up until now it would seem. I had really high hopes that I could keep on convincing her until she was at least 30. I see grey hairs surfacing just at the thought of it. What ever happened to cooties?!

It wasn't too long ago that I got a phone call from a yucky cootie infested boy asking to speak to my 7yr old. These girls are seriously going to have to take it easy on their fragile mama. I just can't handle all the drama of boys (eeek, I shutter just typing it) chasing after my girls, just yet.

As if I wasn't already bamboozled enough over my preschoolers new gentleman caller, my oldest adds insult to injury, with a certain spicy letter of her own. I had noticed her sitting quietly to herself writing in her notebook but quickly noticed how deep in concentration she was and again thought "this can't be good." I asked her to go get me something in the other room, she handed her notebook to me and asked me to hold it for her but not to read it. SCORE! Of course I was going to read it, i wasn't born yesterday! This is what is said:

What me and my boyfriend did.
Swimed together.
deared each other to slide in the swimming pool
the most of all we said we love each other
There were also several hearts drew on the paper as well.

OHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEE!!!!! Where do they come up with this stuff? And if this wasn't made up (please be made up) where was I when all this spiciness took place? I can already tell I am going to have my hands full with these 2 and may need to look into home school soon, as well as installing bars on their bedroom windows. She isn't even in her first training bra and she's already doing some blogging of her own about making it to first base. Holy Cow! I would very much like someone to tell me it gets easier. But, I know they would be lying and I can't stand being lied to either so, shit out of luck... I AM!

I've always heard when you have boys you only have to worry about one penis. When you have girls you have to worry about them all.

Nope, this can't be good!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why I love my dog...

  • He loves me no matter what even if I did just rub his nose in his own poop.
  • He is always there to listen and NEVER back talks.
  • I only have to fill his food bowl once a day which requires no cooking or dirty dishes.
  • I can talk to him as often as I like and he always listens without interrupting. He gives me someone (other than myself) to talk to without making me look crazy. Or as crazy, whichever.
  • I am greeted every morning with a tail wag and slobbery kiss up my cheek. No temper tantrums, fights over clothing or dirty diapers to change.
  • After coming home I am greeted again with more tail wags and slobbery kisses up my cheek and no questions asking "what did you buy me?"
  • I only have to give him a bath once a week or as needed when smelly.
  • He never has any dirty laundry.
  • He doesn't require being wiped after he poops.
  • I can leave him home alone and don't have to drag him in and out of every store I need to go to. If I do take him along I won't be frowned upon for leaving him in the vehicle alone as long as there is a window cracked.
  • I am also not frowned upon for having him on a leash when he is taken outdoors.
  • He goes to sleep by himself without having to be rocked, pampered, tucked in or threatened.
  • He wakes up by himself without having to be drug by his feet, repeatedly told to get up, or threatened.
  • He is easy pleased with a daily belly rub and a small basket of inexpensive toys or he just chases his own tail.
  • He drinks water without crying or fussing that he hates it and instead asking for Kool-aid.
  • And lastly, as long as he is in the same picture as me he turns everyones attention to how cute he is and takes emphasis off how awful I look & how plump I'm getting. "Oh what a cute dog" :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scary dreams, school bullies & other disturbing headlines.

I am a mother. I worry. More than I probably should. But it's in my job description.

First the good news; my daughter has not been caught in another lie, nor caught taking anything else since my husband and I sit her down, had a long talk and grounded her for the weekend. We faced the situation head on and it's been resolved... let hope it continues.

Now on to the next situation at hand; scary dreams and school bullies.

She has waken through the night frequently saying she is having bad dreams. Won't go back to sleep in her room and has to lay in our bed for awhile, then eventually she will go sleep the rest of the night on the couch. I can't figure out what is causing them. She doesn't watch anything scary or violent on TV, her sugar intake is very limited and we do not allow our kids to have caffeine. So, where are they coming from? I feel so helpless. She's even scared to the point of crying when an Orkin commercial comes on and she sees the big roach they use in the commercial. She says she has dreams about big rats and bugs that are after her. We have been telling her to say her prayers at night before bed and maybe God will take all her bad dreams away.

Now about the school bully; everyday when she gets off the bus she is upset because this student always sticks her tongue out at her when she is walking up her driveway. I told Catie to not look out the window at her. But, she says this little girl will yell for her then call her a loser when Catie looks. I also suggested that she just ignore her and eventually she will stop. When what I really wanted to say was "stick your tongue out at her and say it takes one to know one" but that wouldn't be very appropriate motherly advice. HAHA! Kids these days can be so rude & cruel.

Other disturbing headlines recently have hit close to home. Last week a 15 year old boy shot & killed both his guardians. Police say the motive was because they wouldn't allow him to have his 12 year old girlfriend over at their house. I just can't imagine how troubled one has to be to commit such a crime at any age, but especially at 15 years old. The reason it is overly disturbing for me is because he lives and attended school in the same county as my children. In just 5 years my daughter will be out of Elementary and in Middle School. He could just as easily brought that gun to school and opened fire on his classmates. It horrifies me that she could be attending classes with children capable of such acts. I know I shouldn't worry about it now. But, when I watch the news everyday and see things happening all over the country to children her age my mind just won't let me forget it. This is one of the reasons I don't even know why I watch the news in the first place. It's all bad.

We do our best to teach our children right from wrong, punish them appropriately when they need it, lead by example and pray that you and your children make the right decisions. At the end of the day that's all we can do as parents. I just hate feeling so helpless and knowing there are situations my children will be faced with that I can't control. No matter how much I try to shelter them from all the evil and bad in this world, they will be faced with it eventually. We just never know what each day holds. Life was so much easier when the biggest thing to worry about is what your going to buy them for their birthday or what brand diapers to put on their little tushes. The older they get, the bigger their troubles are. We have to do our best and keep pressing on regardless of what life throws at us.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is She Serious?!

I am an Oprah freak. I watch as often as I get the chance to and I am totally heartbroken that her show is over. I have laughed at her shows, cried at some, learned some advice, bought recommended books after watching. But, sometimes after watching I have this "I love her, I hate her" feeling about something that aired on the show. Take yesterday's show for example. It was on happiness and how to be happier in your life. Goldie Hawn was a guest and they discussed ways to bring more happiness into your life like having more sex, making the ideal amount of money, taking time for yourself, etc.

She also had polls that she asked the audience. One went a little something like this; "How many of you take time out of your day for complete silence?" I thought complete silence?! It's obvious that Oprah doesn't have any children. I can't even go to the bathroom alone much less make time for complete silence. I'm not even sure that I understand the concept. In my household there is always the pitter patter of little feet, a washer/dryer or both running, the tv on, the dog barking at something, kids arguing, me mumbling something under my breath or "growling". Then I thought about it some more; make time? She speaks of it like it's something easy to do. I can barely find time in my day to take a shower, how can I make time for something I don't even fully understand the meaning of?

Another poll was about sex. How often you 'do it'. They suggested that the happiest people are the ones having more sex. I am so exhausted by the time I go to bed that all I want to do is sleep! Sleep makes me happy! When you have kids, jobs, and a household to maintain I don't grasp the idea of having a lot of sex. When exactly am I suppose to do that? Especially without the kids hearing, because that is something that I am just not ready to explain. Ha.

I got a good chuckle at the info they were trying to pass along such as complete silence and have more sex to be happier. But I became frazzled when they touched on the money issue. Oprah is rich. Her definition of poor and my definition are very different. Some expert on her show said for a family of 4 a yearly income of $75,000 was enough to live happily. Well I must say that we are a family of 5 (soon to be 6) and my husband doesn't even come close to that figure. Of course when that number was threw out there, Oprah's jaw dropped like she just couldn't understand how someone could live happily on a salary such as that. I'm sure 75k is pocket change for her, but not everyone in this world is that fortunate. I like to think we do live happily on the salary we have. We have all our needs met, most of our wants met. So, what exactly am I not understanding? I don't need piles of money to be happy. Sure, it's nice to have but there are far more important things in my life to make me rich and happy. My children are something I could never put a price tag on and the joy they bring into my life is something no amount of money could ever buy.

So, am I the confused one or is Oprah? Maybe she needs to come walk a mile in my shoes so to speak to understand that it doesn't take silence, sex or money to make you happy. It's about finding joy in the small things and being grateful for what you do have not focusing on what you lack.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Small Town Living

I love where I live. It's just a speck on the map that no one has ever heard of. Everyone knows everyone, and if they don't know you they know who your married to. Everyone waves at cars passing by and everyone speaks when they see you out. When you go in the bank they know you by name. You can even charge your groceries or gas the local station and pay on your next visit. It's so peaceful to live in a place such as this. I wouldn't trade small town living to live anywhere else in the world.

Now, the trouble with small town living is; everyone is always in your business. For example, my husband and I bought a new living room suit, a much needed new one I may add, our other one we had for over 7 years and it had been excessively used.. anyways, while packing our old one out, everyone that drove by our house rubbernecked. I'm sure they were thinking "are they moving." You literally can't do anything in privacy.
That however, doesn't bother me as much as the talk. I will use this for an example: "oh my word, she is knocked up again?!" Yes, I am pregnant with my fourth child. So what? I can not express to you enough how sick to death I am of people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Does it really matter if we have 4 kids or 14 kids? They are our children, we raise them, we love them, we were blessed with them. My grandmother gave birth to 10 kids! Years ago it wasn't uncommon to have a dozen. So why does 4 sound so extreme in this day and age? No, I don't plan on having any more after this pregnancy. But if I did, it's none of anyone's business. That is between me, my husband and God to decide, not you. Every child is sent to this earth for a reason. God chooses the parents for each angel he sends down. I am so very thankful to have the 4 angels he sent to me. I am blessed beyond words that each one is smart, happy, beautiful and most importantly, healthy.

And a note to everyone who judges us for our 'amount' of children: no one is asking you to be happy for us, either you are or you aren't. But don't pretend to be then go behind our backs and make comments about it. If we want to buy all new furniture and leave our old sitting out in the front yard, we will. If we want to run around our house in our underware, not that we do but if we wanted to, we will. If I want to be barefoot and pregnant every year for the rest of my life, I will. This is our life. So shut your small town mouth.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

The weather has been absolutely beautiful. I broke out my flip flops, capris and short sleeves.
Oh yea!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Handy Household Tip

This handy household tip is brought to you today by: None other than the Mess Master, Caleb!

Tip: Rubbing alcohol will take ink pen marks right out of a microfiber couch! Test a small area first. Then use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a white cloth and gently rub over marks. Ta-Da No More Marks!

I've also learned that hairspray works wonders in getting ink off of clothes. Just spray and put in the washer.

As a mom you learn all kinds of handy mess cleaner upper tips!

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

I am almost always a nice person that tries to stay calm and collective when dealing with other people. But lately, I have failed miserably. It seems like every time I go into a public place I have to deal with your average idiot. (note: I don't judge people but these people are clearly idiots) My kids have been sick on/off for going on 3 weeks now with various things. Kayley however has had the same symptoms for a week and yesterday made the 3rd trip to the doctor's office.

I hate seeing my kids sick. Kids are so resilient it takes a lot to bring them down. When my almost-5-year-old is laying on the couch, won't move, won't eat, has had the same symptoms for a week that gets worse each day, don't tell me she is fine! The first 2 trips to the doctor's office were a waste and only resulted in her getting a cough syrup that didn't work. Then my son comes down with the same symptoms, so back to the doctor we go.

I made an appointment with the NP because obviously our regular doctor has fell into the average idiot category and assures me my daughter is "fine" when she obviously isn't. Third times are usually a charm, and yesterday it proved to be true. We finally got medicine! Yahoo! She had an ear infection, fluid behind her ears, a cold and allergies. So an antibiotic, ear drops and an effective cough syrup later, she is finally on the mend. As well as her brother. Sometimes us mommy's have to use our better judgement and decide when it's time for a change. When your regular doctor has been giving you problems for well over a year, I suggest you switch! I'm so glad I did.

Now, let me tell you why I have had a migraine for the past 2 days; my son doesn't handle being sick well at all. He screamed and cried all night Tuesday night, all morning Wednesday and the entire time in the doctor's office. I will spare you the details of the hitting/kicking/screaming tantrum in the doctor's office floor. All our prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy straight from the doctor's computer, which is very helpful. I take the kids to golden arches after leaving the doctor's office. Let's face it, when a kid feels bad a happy meal always cheers them up. Then head to the pharmacy, get the meds, and head home to dope them up. That sounds too easy, huh? I go into the pharmacy to be told it's going to be another 45 minutes before their meds are ready. Great! It's not like I live 20 minutes away from here, with gas at $3.50 a gallon, with a hysterical 2 year old and running on no sleep.. What's 45 more minutes of torture?! So, I run a few errands and head back to the pharmacy. It's been over an hour and a half after leaving the doctor's office at this point. Go inside, and guess what? IT STILL ISN'T READY! I will also spare you the details of my Mommy tantrum, let's just say it included me asking them if they had any concept of time, if they knew how exhausted and mentally unstable I already was at this point etc etc. I had to wait 15 more minutes and finally, finally, had medicine in hand and could head home!

Some day's Most day's, I hate even leaving my house because of the idiots and stupid situations I have to encounter. I guess you could say my pregnancy hormones has really been working against everyone I come in contact with lately. My apologies to anyone I may have offended, upset, or made sit in the corner and cry.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finally the 30 day challenge comes to an end.

Day 29: Something that can always makes me smile.
My adorable and goofy kids!
Day 30: A picture of someone I miss.
My Grandpa.
Day 31: A picture of myself.
YAY!!!! I finished. Took way longer than it should have, but I FINISHED!!!!


I must say I have the world's greatest best friends! We had planned a girls night out to eat for last night, but it ended up being a surprise baby shower for me! When I walked in there sat a table full of friends, cupcakes and gifts! I am so very blessed to have these 2 in my life! They went above & beyond for me and I can never express to them enough how much it meant to me! Thanks to all who attended and for all the much needed gifts. I had a great time and was reminded that no matter what I have amazing friends that think of me when I least expect it. I would also like to say thanks to; Shannon, Morgan, Amy, Lindsey, Holly, Whitney, Rhonda, Graci & Bliss for being part of my surprise! My 2 best friends that threw me the surprise shower!

Diaper Cake.

The Guests.

26 weeks.

Playing games with my belly.

Beth Ann, Talara & I.

All my goodies.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heading for the home stretch

Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to me.
My girl scouts troop.
Day 27: A picture of myself and a family member.
My brothers and I, Christmas 2008. We definitely need a more recent picture.

Day 28: A picture of something I'm afraid of.

Meet Boomer

I have been nagging my husband oh for about 8 years or so, to get me a house dog. The answer has always been NO, sometimes even a H E double hockey sticks NO! I would ask every few months, whine, try to bribe; didn't work. Until now! I am not sure what finally made him crack, but he did! So, the search was on. I spent hours online looking up area shelters, bordering state's shelters, rescue homes, newspaper listings... I just couldn't find my dog. I finally searched Craigslist for a town that is 2 hours away from us. That's where I found him. As soon as I saw his picture, I knew he was one.

He is a Shih Tzu, less than 4 months old. The family couldn't keep him because of health issues, out of state appointments, work & kids. It broke their hearts to see him go, but I promised to keep her updated via emails.

Boomer arrived at our home Friday afternoon. He is such an energetic & spunky fur ball. He follows me everywhere I go. If I'm sitting he is either beside my feet, in my lap or laying beside me. He will even put his paws on my shoulders and lay his head over on me like he is giving me a hug. I never thought I could find such a loveable puppy, but he has totally won me over. Although his 'man pride' won't allow my Husband to admit it, he is crazy over him too. The girls love him, Caleb not so much. He is so jealous. Every time he would see Boomer in my lap Caleb would whine, reach for me and say "mommy" the child has never called me Mommy!!! But overall, everyone is adjusting well to our new 4 legged member.

He wasn't housebroke when I got him. The previous owner said he used puppy pads, but after him being here, he acts like he doesn't know what one is. I knew I would have my work cut out for me. Aside from yesterday's early morning crate disater he has done really well about going outside. After barking/howling all night long his first night here, because he was in a crate, then waking up to his crate, bedding, toys and the pup being covered in pee & poo, on top of my usual morning sickness, I might also mention it was 6 am on a SATURDAY... you might imagine my day started off to a crappy note (punt intended). He hasn't chewed on anything in our house other than his toys, which he hides under my bed. He has been so well behaved, knock on wood that it continues. He is exactly what I wanted in a dog.

Moral of the story: If there is something you just absolutely can't live without but hubby says no, keep nagging, eventually is does pay off. HA!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tardy Again

I told you I totally suck at staying committed to something I have to do daily, unless it involves something with my husband and kids. Plus, things have been super busy around here lately. Not to mention my kids sharing illnesses. I need to teach them it's polite to share except when you are sick. So now it's time to play catch up again so I can actually finish this challenge. Who cares if it took me 60 days instead of 30 :)

Day 23: My favorite book. I love to read and I have read
so many books its hard to chose just one favorite. I love Nicholas Sparks novels, all of them. And I also like Christian fiction novels. I like books that make me laugh, make me cry, books I can relate to, sappy love stories too. Of course I am going to say the Twilight Series is my favorite. Who isn't a sucker for Twilight?

But, if I had to choose another it would be this one:
I was watching Oprah one day and her segment told the story of this book and what the families went through. It will totally leave your book with tear stained pages. After watching her show I bought the book and didn't but it down until I finished it.

Day 24: Something I wish I could change. This is a 2 for 1. I hate my arms, they are flabby, big at the top and I have some kind of small annoying red bumps that will not go away no matter what I do. My arms are probably flabby from eating too much fast food, so fast food should totally be altered to be healthy for you and taste the same as it does now. Ha!

Day 25: A picture of my day. ( and yesterday, today, tomorrow, the next day, the next day, the next day.....) Got to love Spring Cleaning!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. Seuss Week

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!”

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Ramblings

Why do we refer to feeling like crap when we are sick? Does any of us actually know what crap feels like?

I am hooked on Law & Order SVU

I have came to the conclusion that toddler boys are destructive, mean, conniving little beings.

I am soooooooooo ready for flip flop weather.

I do not like being lied to especially over silly things. Makes me ill because they think I am dumb enough to believe them.

I bought a pair of shoes out of the clearance bin at the Dollar Store yesterday for 3 bucks, and I love them!

I want to poke little bimbo's in their eyes that give me weird looks because I came to the grocery store in sweat pants. I can't always be dolled up. I am a Mom. Get over it. Sweats are better than pajamas!

Janelle on Teem Mom 2 makes me mad and I want to reach through the TV and smack her.

I hate running out of dryer sheets.

I really need to mop my bathroom floor.

I am sick of watching/hearing Spongebob.

Antibacterial hand soap is good at killing germs through frequent handwashing but it tastes horrible. Just ask my daughter that took up lying as a hobby.

I am tired of being pregnant... come on June!

I love my mini van and wouldn't trade it for any vehicle in this world. <---- wow, I never thought I'd admit that one.

I haven't slept a solid night in over 7 years... I blame my kids and snoring husband.

When I have a headache I follow the instructions on the bottle. Take 2 and keep away from children.

I am overly excited about next Monday. The local consignment shop will open with Spring merchandise! I am ready to shop, shop, shop! And of course buy clothes that I know I can't wear until I have this baby, but do it anyways, and become depressed afterward.

I am tired of looking at Girl Scout cookies.

I have ate Reese's Puffs the past 2 nights in a row for supper because I didn't want to eat what I cooked for the family.

I wish I could go to the bathroom alone, just one time, I can't remember what it's like.

Speaking of bathrooms, I despise a public bathroom. Especially when we take the kids out to eat and I have to get up in the middle of eating to take one of them. Yuck, totally ruins my appetite.

I have, more times than I should admit, been looking for my cell phone while talking on it. Same applies with wearing sunglasses on my head and digging in my purse looking for them.

I have also, more times than I should admit, got in the shower with socks or bra or both still on.

The term common sense unfortunately isn't so common. So I vote we rename it Rare Sense.

On the first semi-warm day people break out their tank tops and shorts. Then wonder why they are sick a week later (refer to above)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Spring is just around the corner and it's usually a good time to get rid of clutter. I started with all the useless knowledge clutter in my head! So, I decided to leave it here on my blog so I can refer back to it later if needed. This is important stuff we are talking here. Or possibly clutter up your head with it all, which ever.

I started cleaning out my closet this morning (2 for 1) and became depressed at all the new clothes I bought last summer that I won't be able to wear this year. I know I have to gain weight to grow a healthy baby but geez the little feller will only be between 6-8 lbs... why do I have to gain 20, 30, 40, 50+ so much weight!?!

I guess this bag of Doritos that I am scarfing down is only adding insult to injury.

While watching the news last night I heard this heartbreaking (& ridiculous) story about a woman who snorted bath salts! Yes, bath salts! While driving she started hallucinating, pulled her car over to the side of the road, grabbed her 2 children out of the back, and started running across a busy highway. As she ran she dropped one of the children in the middle of the highway, and left the poor thing there, while she kept running from what ever monster her delusional mind created. I hate watching the news anymore. Why do I make myself listen to all the garbage that the news media wants to fill our minds with? It infuriated me that a so called 'parent' would do such a thing. Who looks at a bottle of bath salts and thinks "hmm.. what will happen if I snort that?" The stupidity and carelessness of some humans just makes my blood boil. I could keep going with this one but I will hop down off my soap box and spare you my frustrations on the issue.
Back to the clothing size issue.. I do not understand why people feel the need to wear clothes that are 4 sizes too small. If you are an XL, for Pete's sake buy an XL not a small. No one cares to see your fat hanging out from in under your shirt. Stop making your derriere look like a road map by wearing overly tight pants. It is not attractive! It does not make you look thinner! You look ridiculous and everyone is making gagging sounds at you! Go change! I am not a fan of talking about others but this needed to be said for their own sake.

Note: Before I offend anyone, I am not talking about anyone's weight. Be whatever weight you want to be and own it like queen. Just be sure to wear the size you are meant to.

And to conclude; the next person that looks at me and says "you look to young to have kids" I am going to scream in their face like a hungry infant! I may be a younger mother but I am a responsible adult that raises my own children in mine and my husband's home without any help from anyone. I am not snorting bath salts and dropping my kids into oncoming traffic! I am doing a good job as a parent, so what does my age have to do with it?

My mind is cleaned out for now... back to the closet I go.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 22

Day 22- Something I wish I was better at.

Sewing. My mom bought me a sewing machine a few years ago for Christmas and I have not once used it. It has been used a few times while my Grandma made me some curtains. I want to learn to sew and make crafty things! Right now about all I can muster is square pillow. I plan to take lessons soon!

Day 21

Day 21- Something I wish I could forget.

I am stumped on this one. I don't like forgetting anything. The only thing I ever seem to forget is what I need to remember. Sorry this post sucks.... Here's a cute puppy!