I am hooked on Law & Order SVU
I have came to the conclusion that toddler boys are destructive, mean, conniving little beings.
I am soooooooooo ready for flip flop weather.
I do not like being lied to especially over silly things. Makes me ill because they think I am dumb enough to believe them.
I bought a pair of shoes out of the clearance bin at the Dollar Store yesterday for 3 bucks, and I love them!
I want to poke little bimbo's in their eyes that give me weird looks because I came to the grocery store in sweat pants. I can't always be dolled up. I am a Mom. Get over it. Sweats are better than pajamas!
Janelle on Teem Mom 2 makes me mad and I want to reach through the TV and smack her.
I hate running out of dryer sheets.
I really need to mop my bathroom floor.
I am sick of watching/hearing Spongebob.
Antibacterial hand soap is good at killing germs through frequent handwashing but it tastes horrible. Just ask my daughter that took up lying as a hobby.
I am tired of being pregnant... come on June!
I love my mini van and wouldn't trade it for any vehicle in this world. <---- wow, I never thought I'd admit that one.
I haven't slept a solid night in over 7 years... I blame my kids and snoring husband.
When I have a headache I follow the instructions on the bottle. Take 2 and keep away from children.
I am overly excited about next Monday. The local consignment shop will open with Spring merchandise! I am ready to shop, shop, shop! And of course buy clothes that I know I can't wear until I have this baby, but do it anyways, and become depressed afterward.
I am tired of looking at Girl Scout cookies.
I have ate Reese's Puffs the past 2 nights in a row for supper because I didn't want to eat what I cooked for the family.
I wish I could go to the bathroom alone, just one time, I can't remember what it's like.
Speaking of bathrooms, I despise a public bathroom. Especially when we take the kids out to eat and I have to get up in the middle of eating to take one of them. Yuck, totally ruins my appetite.
I have, more times than I should admit, been looking for my cell phone while talking on it. Same applies with wearing sunglasses on my head and digging in my purse looking for them.
I have also, more times than I should admit, got in the shower with socks or bra or both still on.
The term common sense unfortunately isn't so common. So I vote we rename it Rare Sense.
On the first semi-warm day people break out their tank tops and shorts. Then wonder why they are sick a week later (refer to above)
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