Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I must say I have the world's greatest best friends! We had planned a girls night out to eat for last night, but it ended up being a surprise baby shower for me! When I walked in there sat a table full of friends, cupcakes and gifts! I am so very blessed to have these 2 in my life! They went above & beyond for me and I can never express to them enough how much it meant to me! Thanks to all who attended and for all the much needed gifts. I had a great time and was reminded that no matter what I have amazing friends that think of me when I least expect it. I would also like to say thanks to; Shannon, Morgan, Amy, Lindsey, Holly, Whitney, Rhonda, Graci & Bliss for being part of my surprise! My 2 best friends that threw me the surprise shower!

Diaper Cake.

The Guests.

26 weeks.

Playing games with my belly.

Beth Ann, Talara & I.

All my goodies.

1 comment:

*T* said...

Awww!! I Love this!! I am blessed to have u as a Best Friend! Love U Ashy!! :)