I hate seeing my kids sick. Kids are so resilient it takes a lot to bring them down. When my almost-5-year-old is laying on the couch, won't move, won't eat, has had the same symptoms for a week that gets worse each day, don't tell me she is fine! The first 2 trips to the doctor's office were a waste and only resulted in her getting a cough syrup that didn't work. Then my son comes down with the same symptoms, so back to the doctor we go.
I made an appointment with the NP because obviously our regular doctor has fell into the average idiot category and assures me my daughter is "fine" when she obviously isn't. Third times are usually a charm, and yesterday it proved to be true. We finally got medicine! Yahoo! She had an ear infection, fluid behind her ears, a cold and allergies. So an antibiotic, ear drops and an effective cough syrup later, she is finally on the mend. As well as her brother. Sometimes us mommy's have to use our better judgement and decide when it's time for a change. When your regular doctor has been giving you problems for well over a year, I suggest you switch! I'm so glad I did.
Now, let me tell you why I have had a migraine for the past 2 days; my son doesn't handle being sick well at all. He screamed and cried all night Tuesday night, all morning Wednesday and the entire time in the doctor's office. I will spare you the details of the hitting/kicking/screaming tantrum in the doctor's office floor. All our prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy straight from the doctor's computer, which is very helpful. I take the kids to golden arches after leaving the doctor's office. Let's face it, when a kid feels bad a happy meal always cheers them up. Then head to the pharmacy, get the meds, and head home to dope them up. That sounds too easy, huh? I go into the pharmacy to be told it's going to be another 45 minutes before their meds are ready. Great! It's not like I live 20 minutes away from here, with gas at $3.50 a gallon, with a hysterical 2 year old and running on no sleep.. What's 45 more minutes of torture?! So, I run a few errands and head back to the pharmacy. It's been over an hour and a half after leaving the doctor's office at this point. Go inside, and guess what? IT STILL ISN'T READY! I will also spare you the details of my Mommy tantrum, let's just say it included me asking them if they had any concept of time, if they knew how exhausted and mentally unstable I already was at this point etc etc. I had to wait 15 more minutes and finally, finally, had medicine in hand and could head home!
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