Wednesday, October 12, 2011

You might be a parent if...

-You have ABC magnets, My Trip to Chuck E Cheese pics, and a school calender on your fridge.

-Your cabinets are full of sippy cups and bottles.................. perhaps even a shot glass (or two)

-Instead of fancy bath salts and bubble baths in your shower caddy you have roll on soap and rubber duckies.

-You have an entire bag of crunched up BBQ potato chips in your mini van that's been there a week.

-You consider going to the grocery WITHOUT snot on your sleeve being 'dressed up'.

-You take Prozac, Valium or Xanax regularly.

-You get concerned if you don't wipe a butt other than your own for several days.

-You have multiple personalities which might include: Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and Easter Bunny.

-You go into a panic when you run out of Mr Clean Magic Erasers and Windex.

-You keep a stash of quarters in your purse specifically for gum ball machine bribery.

-You play a game similar to Clue to investigate the mystery spot in your carpet and how it got there.

- Pizza Rolls and/or Spaghetti O's are considered a meal.

-You can talk to yourself and not think you are going crazy.

-You can name all the cast of iCarly, Dora and Spongebob.

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