Sorry, I had a moment. Got to love Garth Brooks. :)
Spring has brought with it lots of storms for our neck of the woods. Thankfully it wasn't too bad in my little community. A few broken tree limbs and
some metal blown off barns was about the size of it. The deep south wasn't so fortunate, however. It was reported that a mile wide tornado touched down around Birmingham, Alabama. Thoughts and prayers are definitely going out to all those in that area. And of course all the other areas that were affected by bad weather as well.
As a child I used to be terrified of even the smallest rumble of thunder. I would totally freak out, get sick at my stomach and sometimes even cry until it was over. Thunderstorms were my deepest fear. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to it storming, going in the living room and collecting the couch cushions, then making myself a pallet in the floor right beside my parent's bed. The louder the thunder got the more I wiggled under the bed. And by the time the storm was over I would usually be all the way under it, asleep. It was the only place I felt safe. This lasted on up into my early teenage years before I finally started calming down during a storm. As an adult I am totally in love with storms, even fascinated you might say. It's so weird how things change the older you get. I am precautious of course because I want my family to be safe at all times but I am no longer afraid. There is something so calming and soothing about a thunderstorm. Like all my tension escapes me, the stronger- the better. I do still get a little nervous when the weather man starts mentioning tornadoes, but I watch the news cast and prepare to drag my family into our storm cellar, and I am fine once again. I am however, getting sick of all this rain. It reminds me of this time last year when our area suffered a major flood. It has flooded in points to the north and west of where I live already.
Enough about the weather.... What was your childhood fear?
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