I have had so many people tell me it's just his age and he will grow out of it. They think the mean & mischievous things that he does is funny! Which it can be funny at times, but it can also be very frustrating. Especially when he does things to hurt his sisters like a bloody nose, hitting, throwing things or biting. As a mom that is home with him 24/7 I feel like something is going on with him. Some days I am so desperate for a break but there is no one that offers to babysit him, can't say that I blame them. I did some research on ADHD to discover that he checked off on just about everything listed for a child under 5. I spoke with a friend of mine that has a son with ADHD and she told me that Caleb sounds exactly like her son! She said she also started noticing issues with him around the age of 2 but didn't feel like it needed attention until he went to preschool. I feel that if I take him to the doctor now I am going to hear the same things I hear from everyone else "AGE". Don't get me wrong Caleb can be a good kid. He can be the sweetest child on the planet when he wants to be. I have heard people comment on how 'mean' he is. I've gotten looks in public like "can't you do anything with your kid" and I really just want to look at them & say "No, I can't but your welcome to try." My daughters preschool teacher even admitted to me that she was nervous to have him in class.. not sure if she was joking or not?! Most days, by the time my husband gets home from work I am so exhausted & grouchy that he doesn't even want to be around me. I am in NO WAY the parent that tries to blame my child's bad behavior on something else, but I genuinely feel like there is an issue here. I am also not the type of mom that overreacts to small things or runs my kids to the doctor every time they have a cough. So, I ask you other Mommy's to give me your advice. Let me know what you think I should do and how I should handle this. You will not offend me, the purpose of this blog is for opinions of other moms. Thanks!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Okay, Mommy's.. I need your advice!
I have been having issues with my son for several months now, He turned 2 in November. His nickname is "Terrorist." He is the definition of handful!!! I honestly think that him acting out the way he does isn't "just his age" or "he's just being a boy" which I have heard both more times than I can count. He is nothing like my girls were at his age. He is so busy, never still. Constantly touching something, going through something (bags, cabinets, boxes..) trying to tear up or break everything in his path. The only way I can get him to eat is to let him pack it around because he can't sit still long enough to finish a meal. He is always running into walls or furniture, tripping over things laying in floor. You can be trying to talk to him & he just tunes you out like he's not even hearing what you saying. He is hard to get to sleep and once he is asleep it's rare that he will sleep through the night. Sometimes, when he wakes, he cries for no reason, nothing suits, then falls back to sleep like he was never really 'awake' to begin with. Taking him into a store is by far the hardest challenge with him. He seems so overwhelmed by so much stuff in one place. Constantly grabbing things off the shelves, wont ride in the cart, throws tantrums to get down and if I let him down he runs off. While at home he throws toys or picture frames across the room for no apparent reason.
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Ok Ashley Im going to give you advice on this problem as to what I would do. I dont by all means think that Caleb is a bad child. Im sure he is rowdy and mischevious and of course a boy...Ha! But there is a difference between a rowdy child and a child who needs a certain amount of attention (doctor care) If you think that taking him to a doctor and getting their advice. Remember second opinions are always wise. Hang in there it will get better as it goes along. I know it's hard being a mommy but your strong and you can do it. Do you what you think is wise. Don't pay attention to what others say. Have Faith!
Honestly, I think you should talk to his pediatrican about it, if you are really concerned about it. Other moms can't do the evaluations that need to be done along with being able to diagnose him correctly. Christian has panick attacks in walmart, bites all the time, and has the inability to be still. Most people think that was him "being a boy" or "him acting his age". But the therapy I do with Christian has stopped all of that! If it is him being a boy or acting his age, then how does a sensory diet stop all of his behaviors and then when I stop or slow down the sensory input his behaviors are get worse again. Caleb's problem could very well be his personality but you should talk it over with his doc and see what needs to be done. If you have any questions feel free to ask, you know where to find me! :)
I too am a stay at home mom and I think that if you feel like there is something wrong, then there probably is. I would take him to his ped. For example, my son was acting so awful in February, not necessarily naughty, but just out of sorts. He would throw raging fits and just scream and scream. Everyone told me it was his age. Even my hubby told me he was fine and that he would grow out of it. I knew there was something wrong so I took him to the ped and told him what was going on. They did some tests and X-rays to rule out anything medically wrong. It turns out he had several inches of bowel built up in his intestines, which had enlargened his spleen, causing him a lot of pain. Since, he was so young, he didn't know how to tell me that something was hurt, so acting out was his way of getting attention I guess. I had no idea that this is what it was because he was having bowel movements daily. We put him on some medication and haven't had that problem since. I'm not saying this is what is wrong with your little one, I am just showing that if mommy thinks something is wrong, there probably is! Go with your gut instinct and take him in! Good luck! I will say some prayers for you!
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