Monday, January 24, 2011

Change is a good thing!!!

I have for way too long lacked in that area. I have sunken into such a routine that I forgot how to try new things and switch it up a bit. One of my goals for 2011 was to be more involved in things & find ways to get out of the house. I hated feeling like I was a prisoner in my own home. Let's face it.. When mama's not happy, aint nobody happy!!!! This mama was just so unhappy! Not with my family or with life in general, but with myself. As Mommy's I think we lose ourselves. I know I have forgotten how to do things I enjoy or how to put myself first every now & then. I am always focused on the kids, schoolwork, cooking, cleaning, laundry... never any time for Ashley! I don't mean I want time away from my kids by no means. I actually would like the opposite.. finding ways of getting out of the house with the kids & spending more quality time with them. Enough moping around & talking about it. I had to take action. In order to get different results you have to try new things.

My biggest endeavor so far has been Girl Scouts!!! Today, after school, was my first meeting. I LOVED IT!!! It felt good being around other kids, talking to other parents, and using my brain. At home my brain is usually set to autopilot and I just go where it takes me, naturally. I had 7 girls to attend today. From Kindergarten through 2nd grade. They were all so sweet and were full of energy. We made bookmarks with the Girl Scout Promise on them. The girls even made me one that they all signed. Put together puzzles, played duck duck goose, and Simon says. Then we discussed what badges they would like to earn. They were all so girly in their choices. The top 2 were cupcake decorating & make overs! I am so excited for my next meeting & look forward to making life long friendships. I am far too creative to never put my talent to use! Finally a hobby that I can be creative with!

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