Sunday, May 1, 2011

My almost perfect day

Things around here have been hectic lately, well, extra hectic I should say. Having 3 kids it's bound to be hectic on a normal day but lately it's been in overdrive. The everyday kids getting in trouble at school, temper tantrums, embarrassing ball field meltdowns, the never ending sickness, just to name a few. But, it seems *knock on wood* that things are starting to fall back into the 'what's normal for our family' routine. Everyday life is chaos in general and that's okay, I seem to manage well or I like to think I do, at least. Without my loving, supportive and strong willed husband I couldn't manage. He keeps me held together and picks up my pieces when I do fall apart.

My mom promised to keep the kids for me this past weekend as our anniversary gift from her. What a perfect gift. Alone time. Peace & quiet. A much needed break. Thanks MOM!!! Our Saturday we worked outside mowing the yard & cleaning up a bit before more rain headed into the forecast. My husband let me mow the yard which is something I don't get the privilege of doing often. Call me crazy but I enjoy mowing. He will let me every now and then while he supervises, it's a man thing I guess. But, this time, he done the trimming & weed eating and let me mow all by myself. Then actually told me I did a good job afterwards. I even mowed over a snake, freaked out (I loath snakes) so, my sweet husband smashed its head for me, thanks babe. My girls went to some yard sales with my mother in law so it was just Caleb at home with us during the morning. He played and behaved well. Even took the girl's princess cruiser off roading in the edge of the woods that boarders our yard. I often wonder what goes through his head for him to come up with all the things he does. He keeps us laughing.

After taking the kids to my mom I came home, showered, and got ready for a night out of the house with my husband. We didn't do anything too exciting, but just having some alone time together was enough for me. We went to eat Chinese, which as always was delicious. My favorite part of eating Chinese is getting a fortune cookie. I realize it's just a piece of paper inside of a crunchy shell that resembles a cow hove. But, the fortune I got this time was oddly appropriate for this given day. It read "This could be an almost perfect day. Enjoy it."

After eating we went to Wal-Mart for a few things and then to 2 different pharmacies looking for shower soothing tablets that apparently aren't marketed any longer. While at Walgreens a woman asked me when my baby was due, I responded "June". Then she walked over and sat down in the waiting area. My husband and I were still searching for the shower tablets when she asked me if I was having a boy or a girl, I told her a boy then she proceeded to tell me that I looked way too young to be having a baby, like I was only 16 years old. Then asked me if I was excited about becoming a mom. I just played along and said "yes, I am excited" and walked off. I may be the only person that feels this way but I find remarks such as that rude & inappropriate. I may blog about that some other time...?

Before returning home we got ice cream and rented a movie. We also joked about our 'date' consisting of eating and visiting pharmacies, and being home before 7:30 on a Saturday night. This could only mean we are getting old, right? The rest of the night was spent enjoying our strangely quiet home. I would say this was the closest thing to an almost perfect day I've had in a very long time. And enjoy it, I did.


Mrs Smoke said...

It is rude and inappropriate. Even if you were 16 it would be inappropriate! People need to learn to keep their mouths shut!

Kathy Smith said...

Hunny, take that remark as a compliment! Danny and get that alot when we say we have four children. Just think.....when we are Grandmas we will finally just be looking old enough to have a child of our own. lol

Kathy Smith said...

BTW, they stopped seeling those tablets because they were apparently burning peoples feet. (as if it didnt say right on the packaging not to have skin contact) They were wonderful! I miss them too. I'd put sick babies in their carrier in the bathroom and let the tablets do their thang!