Tuesday, February 8, 2011

As a Mom of course I think everything a lot of the stuff my kids do & say is adorable. Just last night, my husband & I were watching tv & Caleb comes in the living room, turns off our surround sound & said "bedtime." Then he grabbed his pillow (pidrow) and blanket (Spob) out of the floor and marched to his bed. We sit there and laughed so hard at the fact our 2 yr old son told us it was bedtime. After a few minutes Caleb returned to the living room and said "Moan" (come on) so, after that we went to bed.

This morning, Caleb's hair was sticking up all over his head and Catie made the comment that "he has horns all over his head" Oh, the irony in that statement! =D

The other night we were sitting at the dining room table eating supper, I was talking about the peach cobbler I had made and said something about my Dad & Grandma not being able to eat it because they are diabetic. That's when my 4yr old said "I didn't know Nonnie was diabetic" Like she even knows what that means?! But the cutest part of it was she said 'diabetic' perfectly. If you have ever heard Kayley talk you know she can't pronounce anything right, so that made it so hilarious for us.

It is true; Kids say the darndest things!

My favorite lingo that comes from my kids are:

Kayley- Dirtday (birthday)
Catie- Salary (celery)
Caleb- Bries (fries)

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